Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thing to Know Before Appearing For Motorbike Driving Practical Test

Motorbike driving practical test information

After passing the motorbike theory test you need to pass the driving practical test. The practical motorcycle test is made up of lots of different elements, an eyesight test, vehicle safety questions, a test of driving ability, a test of specific maneuvers and a question about riding with a passenger.

The new motorcycle practical test went live on Monday 27 April 2009. It aims to improve the standard of road safety for motorcycle and moped riders. This user group has been identified as having a high risk of injury or death, this is particularly the case for young and inexperienced riders.

In order to acquire their motorcycle licence, you need to pass the practical motorcycle test.
To pass the practical motorcycle test you need to pass its two separate modules within two years of passing your motorcycle theory test. The first module will test you doing set maneuvers on the motorcycle in a safe off-road area. The second module is the on-road test.
  • Module 1 – a specified off road maneuvers test
  • Module 2 – a road riding test including an eyesight test and safety questions
This modular approach allows DSA to conduct the test from a greater number of locations. Module 1 can be taken from 66 locations and module 2 from 105 locations, together with 30 occasional centers in Scotland.

The off-road motorcycling maneuvering area (MMA) can vary depending on whether a candidate is taking the Module 1 test from a new DSA test centre or from a VOSA or casual site.

88 per cent of customers will be able to reach a Module 1 site within 45 minutes of traveling and 97 per cent of Module 2 customers.

Minimum test vehicle requirements

You have to use a suitable machine for the practical test that meets the minimum test vehicle requirements. You must use the same motorcycle for both modules.
Minimum test vehicle requirements for mopeds and motorcycles

Wear the right clothing

You need to wear the right clothing for both modules. Examiners can refuse to carry out the test if they think the type of clothing you are wearing doesn’t give enough protection from injury.

There is an exemption to the safety helmet requirement for followers of the Sikh religion if they are wearing a turban.

Your test results

At the end of module one, the examiner will give you the result and you can ask for feedback on how you did. If you passed, you’ll receive your module one pass certificate.
At the end of module two, the examiner will tell you whether you have passed or failed and you can ask for feedback on how you did.

If you fail either module, you should ask the examiner for feedback to help you prepare for your next test. Your driving test report will identify areas where any mistakes were made.

If you pass both modules, the examiner will explain to you how to change your provisional licence into a full licence.

Booking and retaking your test

You can book both modules at the same time but you must have passed your module one test before you can take module two.
If you fail module one you must wait three full working days before being eligible to retake your test.

You must give the Driving Standards Agency three full working days' notice of cancellation of a module two test, or you will lose your module two test fee. All candidates should leave a long enough time between the two modules to prevent this risk of losing the module two fee.

Candidates should also use the period between the two modules to develop their riding skills in preparation for the on road ride.

If you fail your module two test, you must wait 10 full working days before being able to retake the module.

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